How Can A Bad Cavity Be Dealt With?

Looking in your mouth and seeing the signs of a bad cavity, particularly seeing dark matter on a tooth, is likely to leave you feeling very concerned. There are, however, a number of dental treatment options that escalate according to how problematic the situation is. Let's take a look at these dental treatment services so you'll have an understanding of what your dentist is talking about.


Regardless of your condition, the staff at the dental services office is probably going to perform X-rays to see what's going on deep down in the tooth. A tooth sometimes may look awful from the outside without much trouble on the inside. Likewise, a tooth may barely look infected at all from the outside only for the X-ray to show significant decay in the interior. The X-rays will guide your practitioner in deciding what to do next.


If there's no evidence that an infection has reached an important part of the tooth, such as the pulp or the nerve, you may be a good candidate for a filling. The dentist will drill out the damaged portion of the tooth to ensure everything that's left is clean and healthy. They will then use a resin material to fill and seal the gap, ultimately producing a smooth surface.

Root Canal

At the opposite end of the concern scale, you may need a root canal. This involves drilling into the pulp and possibly the nerve to remove actively-infected materials and decay. It is considered the last choice for a practitioner before they decide to simply pull the tooth. Despite the root canal's reputation for being painful, modern methods ensure that pain will be kept to a minimum and can usually be handled with an NSAID like ibuprofen.

Carries Control Procedure

This is the in-between option. The carries control procedure calls for accessing the area where an active infection is occurring. Unlike during a root canal, though, the goal isn't to remove the infected materials. Instead, a medicated filling is injected into the space to bring the infection under control. A traditional filling is then used to seal the tooth and make it smooth.


If the damage is mostly on the surface but widespread, it may be simpler to remove a significant portion of the outside of the tooth. A dental appliance called a crown will then be placed over the top of the tooth and sealed into place.

Contact a provider of dental treatment services near you in order to learn more.
