Be Wary Of These Foods That Can Damage Your Teeth

There are some foods that can stain and even damage the enamel of your teeth, and that should be enjoyed only in moderation. If you do enjoy these foods and beverages, make sure to thoroughly rinse, preferably brush, and floss afterwards to avoid the potential damage that these foods can do over the long term. Be wary of the following foods: Crackers. The problem with crackers is that the chemical makeup breaks down into simple sugars, which then get stuck between teeth due to the cracker's texture. [Read More]

Losing All Your Teeth Due To Gum Disease? 2 Options You Have To Replace Them

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an infection of the gums that can spread throughout your teeth, as well as other area of your body. Gum disease can generally be treated by a dentist if caught early. If you have periodontal disease but did not get it treated early enough, however, your dentist has likely told you that they will need to remove all of your teeth. You have many options to replace your teeth, two of which are listed below. [Read More]

Helpful Things To Know About Periodontitis

Are you confused as to why your teeth are able to wiggle a little? If your teeth are not completely still, it is a sign that they are becoming loose from weak jawbones. The wisest thing to do is get your teeth examined as soon as you can, as you might have periodontitis, which can lead to your teeth falling out completely. In this article, you will discover some helpful information in regards to periodontitis. [Read More]

3 Dental Treatments For A Chronic Apical Abscess

Chronic apical abscess refers to a type of dental infection that can affect a tooth. The infection and symptoms come on slowly and you might not ever feel any pain or discomfort associated with the infection. Any pain or discomfort that does present will likely be mild and you may have some pus discharge from the surrounding soft tissue. The lack of symptoms doesn't mean you should leave the infection untreated as a chronic apical abscess can potentially kill your tooth. [Read More]