3 Reasons Why A Root Canal Is Preferred Over An Extraction

If you have a dental infection, your dentist may prescribe a root canal, which is an endodontic procedure in which the pulp of the infected tooth is fully removed. To remove the pulp, which is the living material inside the tooth, the dentist drills a hole into the tooth. The pulp, which contains the dental nerves and the blood vessels of the tooth, is completely excised. Once the pulp is gone, the inside of the tooth is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before a dental filling is added. [Read More]

6 Habits That Can Damage Your Teeth

Even though your teeth are strong, certain habits can wear them down and increase the risk of chips, cracks and decay. It is important to be aware of these habits and put an end to them before you do any serious damage. Here are six habits that can damage your teeth: Crunching on Ice. Not matter how harmless it may seem, you should never use your pearly whites to crunch on leftover ice cubes. [Read More]

You've Reached Your Ideal Tooth Shade, But How Do You Maintain It?

When you start on a path to teeth whitening, the whole goal is to get your teeth to the ideal shade. You probably don't think far beyond that point or what to do after you have reached your whitening goal. Even if you changed a few of your habits that contributed to your teeth discoloration, like reducing smoking or coffee, you will still need to maintain your desired tooth shade. Here are some ways to maintain that smile and the shade you worked so hard to achieve. [Read More]

3 Measures You Can Take To Care For Your Teeth And Gums More Effectively

Sometimes, small changes to your oral hygiene regimen can yield large improvements to your dental health. Here are three small measures that you can take to care for your gums and teeth more effectively: Drink tea with your meals. When a menu is placed before you, there are usually multiple drink options from which to choose. Selecting soda, which has a high acid content, facilitates tooth decay by demineralizing tooth enamel. [Read More]