It's Clear: How To Get Used To Your Clear Aligners

If you need adult braces, it's time to talk to your dentist about clear aligners. One of the great things about clear aligners is that there are no brackets to deal with. That means you can straighten your teeth without the pain of traditional braces. But, there are some steps you should take to get used to your aligners. Here are some tips to help you get used to your new clear aligners. [Read More]

Are You Ready For Overdentures?

If you are missing or need teeth removed, there are products on the market other than traditional dentures. Overdentures are one of the permanent denture solutions that can help you achieve a dazzling smile. While relatively new on the market, overdentures provide the teeth you desire with an unparalleled fit, but there are many other benefits. What are overdentures, and what are the benefits? Read on for more information. What are Overdentures? [Read More]